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  • Writer's pictureSophie Williams

Slow mornings belong to weekends and holidays. This is something I have been able to appreciate over the last year. The last year has given me an appreciation for slowing down generally... How about you?

This doesn't mean that I've stayed in bed for longer. I've just found myself rushing around less and enjoying more cuddles with my little ones rather than rushing out of the door.

I know it my sound weird, but sometimes I wake up early so I can just do nothing! I do find that this energises and calms me, and provides focus for the rest of the day. Maybe it's about getting some 'me' time?

Take a slow morning to do whatever it is you feel like doing - meditating, reading a book, cuddling up to a loved one, going for a walk, sipping a cup of coffee on the sofa... It's also a great way to manage stress and find control in anxious, always-connected times.

  • Writer's pictureSophie Williams

Accumulating 'stuff' is a very human habit! So this self-care challenge is all about decluttering to create a clear space for a clear mind.

We all have our own ways of tidying and some of us do it regularly (I'm not one of those people) but one thing many of us have in common is that we have lots of 'things'!

The Marie Kondo's of this world believe that decluttering is less about tidying up and more about focusing on what really matters to you.

The act of choosing what you keep and what goes (e.g. to charity, for upcycling and so on) encourages you to make active decisions about what belongs in your life right now.

Marie Kondo puts this in very simple terms: keep only what gives you joy!

Happy decluttering!

  • Writer's pictureSophie Williams

Every once in a while, the time calls for a night dedicated to self-care. Laughter is a great form of self-care! So who needs an excuse to bundle up on the sofa with a mug or glass of your favourite, and have a good laugh? Yeah, that hurt your tummy kind of laugh out loud laugh - so good for the soul, right? Laughter really is a strong medicine. A simple, yet powerful way to bring our minds and bodies back into balance. Humour lightens our mood, inspires hope and gives us that opportunity to focus on the moment and just have fun. What will you watch tonight? Share your top comedy recommendations here!

Enjoy the benefits of laughter!

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